Dec 21, 2015

Got my one word for 2016 this morning! PRINCESS

I am looking forward to all that God reveals to me about who I am as His princess and who others are as His princess too!

Jul 31, 2013

Sweet Rewards

I am at the end of my official full month in a BB challenge group. I have lost 4 pounds and all most an inch in my waist. I am struggling along but think the key for me is I keep pushing the restart button. This is a learning process for sure!
I started thinking about how I will reward myself and came to the realization that rewarding myself for a job well done is hard for me to think about. Lets try that again. I'm not sure I am saying it write.
Basically, It's hard for me to think about rewarding myself. Why is that??
I think of how I'm a mom and how I love celebrating the accomplishments of my children.
I'm also a wife and I love celebrating my husband as well.
But this time my health and fitness journey is about me. For sure one of my biggest why's includes my husband and children but ultimately, first and foremost, I'm doing this for myself.
So again I ask the question. I ask God. Why am I having such a hard time rewarding myself?
And He gently whispers to my heart...
Your worth it.
Your worth a reward.
You are My reward.
I celebrate you!
Receive my goodness today!

And with that I will reward myself because I am worth it! God said it. I believe it. And that's all that matters. Now I am looking forward to all the sweet rewards He has for me!

Rewarding myself in the goodness of the Lord,

May 13, 2013

Fit & Fabulous - Day 1

Today's the day!

I did the 20 minute jam. I feel like I can do more but will wait till tomorrow when I combine the 20 minutes with ab jam.
I have tried getting fit and healthy in the past. But this time I feel a sense of grace to be able to do this and succeed.

I will prosper and be in good health just as my soul prospers!

May 9, 2013

It's Here!

I just love getting boxes like this. You know, the ones that your excited to recieve in the mail and open something new and look thru all the goodies, each thing being a surprise to your eyes.

Today I got to look thru all the goodies of my very first order with Beachbody. I was so excited that I did the  20 minute Turbo Jam workout this morning.
I can't wait to really get started! I will be taking my measurments etc. this weekend and plan on  officially starting on Monday the 13th.

New adventure awaits! Let's do this!!

May 8, 2013

Beauty of the Heart

Awww...the end of the day has arived when after all thats been said and done in the life of a mother and wife I get to kick back and relax in a warm soothing bath.
And as I rest my weary head and let the lovely waters settle over the cares of the day I begin to hear Him whisper to my heart of how much beauty I have thats been locked up inside of me and of how much He longs to bring the beauty I carry within out.
In a world where theres so much beauty that is seen, heard, and felt it can be hard to take the time to stop and consider one of the most beautiful things of all....the beauty that lies within the heart.
The beauty of who He made us to be.
Beauty that each one of us carrys all our own.
Beauty that we were created to display on this  earth for "such a time as this".
The beauty of creation.
The beauty of the created one.
Him in me. Him in you.
The hope of glory resting in a world all it's own. Where time knows no flaws.
The flawless beauty of the heart.

May 7, 2013

Angelina Ballerina

My sister Angelina came and went rather quickly. I had some fun with her getting haircuts and my first ever pedicure!
Then her friend came to pick her up and take her back to the Dallas area to meet a guy who has the potential of becoming her future man. And just like that...snap, crackle pop...she was gone.

Like I said it all happened rather quickly.

Watching her try on outfits with what little she brought from home she finally settled with one that  we appropriately named Angelina Ballerina.

At first it was just silly talk taken from the name of a childrens book right?
But then God started showing me that this is exatly how He see's her. She really is His beautiful ballerina.

Apr 29, 2013

Disregard: Switched blog to public